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Get Analytics-Ready Data from Hundreds of APIs

Click on the tabs below to see our connectors in each category. We add new connectors frequently. If you don't see what you need subscribers may request a custom connector. Use the "Request new connector" option in our site chat widget.

Connector Directory Key

Connector Status: Active, Coming Soon, Considering
Connector Category: View all Connectors below
Connector Type: Beta, Standard, Advanced
Unified Data Model: UDM, Not UDM
Setup: Automatic, Configured
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Frequently Asked Questions

For detailed documentation on each data source, any limitations and the resulting data model please see our full help documentation site.

How long does setup take?

For our "automated" connectors you can set up your data pipeline in just 5 to 10 minutes. We provide a simple wizard to select and securely authenticate with your data source using oauth. For connectors labeled as "Configured" on the connectors page there are additional one-time back end steps required by the source system vendor to configure your data pipeline and get data flowing. Unlike our automated integrations, we are not able to pull data immediately. Instead, you will have to wait 2 to 6 weeks (depending on the source) for our team to establish connectivity and pull in the data. After the initial pull, the data will be refreshed weekly for these sources.

How do "configured" connections work?

Configured connections is our semi-automated product that expands coverage to 170+ additional HRIS and payroll providers who do not support an automated connection workflow. In contrast to our Automated Connections the data for Configured connections is refreshed less frequently and there is additional setup lead time. Instead of our standard login flow that results in an immediate authentication, you will need to follow a set of specific instructions displayed within the connection wizard to manually authenticate a connection to your employment system. Because of the lead time required for these additional steps configured sources are not available during free trials.For more information on assisted configuration sources see our detailed help documentation here.

How often do you add new connectors?

We add new connectors almost weekly. Which connectors get added is a function of customer requests and upvotes. Often custom connector requests get converted to standard connectors once fully tested. If you don't see what you need please request it!

Can I request a custom connector?

Absolutely. One of the things that makes us stand out is the ability to add new connectors rapidly. We intentionally engineered our backend to enable a rapid expansion of supported APIs. Currently we can support most REST APIs that deliver data in JSON format. XML response handling is on our roadmap.

What data is returned?

This is limited not by GetOurData but by the source APIs. We are able to deliver everything that the source makes available, including historical data as far back as the source allows. See our detailed documentation section for API specific limitations.

How frequently can I refresh my data?

Entirely up to you and your use case. For some pipelines you may only need say a monthly refresh while for others it might make sense to do multiple refreshes per day. For HRIS & payroll sources labeled as "configured" there is a fixed weekly refresh interval .

Can I choose the destination database?

Currently we support Snowflake and Tableau as the destination database. Almost every BI tool can connect to snowflake. It is on our roadmap to add other cloud data destinations such as PowerBI, Google Sheets, Amazon Redshift, Google BigQuery etc. You can select an existing Snowflake instance controlled by your organization as the destination for maximum data security. During the free trial period we can also deliver your data to a dedicated database hosted in the GetOurData snowflake instance or you can take advantage of a 30-day free trial of Snowflake! If you use our database instance for your trial only you and our database admins will have access to the destination database. If you test multiple source connections each will be delivered as a separate  schema within a single database.

Why Snowflake?

We are data people and have grown to love snowflake. It is incredibly simple to use, yet highly performant and also super cost effective. We like all that! You only pay when you are running queries. Data storage costs are modest and there is no cost to load as much data as you want. Snowflake can also scale to handle complex use cases should you need it. Snowflake is a great database solution for smaller companies with light data loads and small budgets and for massive big data enterprise-class data use cases. It can automatically scale to match your needs. If you are new to snowflake we highly recommend giving it a try. Just select the "provision snowflake for me" option and we'll take care of the rest so you'll be on the modern data cloud in no time.

What BI tools can I use?

All of them! Because we turn your cloud data in beautiful rows, columns and tables and deliver it to a relational database any BI or reporting tool that can connect to a snowflake database will work (and most do). Use these links if you need help connecting to snowflake for the first time: Tableau, PowerBI.

How much does it cost?

GetOurData is completely free to get started, simply click on the "Start my free trial" button to get started. Our subscriptions are designed to closely align with your usage so we are very cost effective for small as well as larger loads. Monthly cost is a function of the number of active API connections and the volume of data returned. See the pricing page for details.

What are the benefits of the "unified data models"?

One of the reasons BI work can be so time consuming is that every data source is different. Building some cool visualizations once doesn't mean you'll be able to use them again pointed at another company or source system, at least not without a ton of rework. Our unified data models (one per category of data) map the data flowing from a variety of source systems to a common structure and nomenclature. That means you can build stuff once on top of a unified data model and reuse it multiple time. This is especially powerful when you are dealing with multiple business units and source systems. Another huge benefit is that our unified data models are delivered with all the keys that define the table joins in your BI tool pre-defined. Finally you can connect to your data source and move immediately to delivering data insights. You simply skip that tedious data modeling phase because we essentially automate it for you! See a live demo here.

How do you help me go from database to dashboard at warp speed?

This is where GetOurData really shines. As 20 year BI veterans we know how critical, and time consuming, the data modeling phase of BI can be. Get a single table relationship wrong and you could be serving up complete gobbledygook numbers to your CEO! When you use connectors that are mapped to one of our unified layers we make BI data modeling automatic and fool proof. Your data is delivered in such a way that each table join has the same key name in each table . We also avoid repeating duplicate field names in different tables that are not related. This means the heuristics in most BI tools that create joins based upon exact column name matches simply work like magic (unlike with most data sources you are used to)! This saves the BI professional countless hours of tedious data model building and testing so you can focus less on the data prep and more on generating insight and impact. For an example output database go here.

How do I know my data is secure?

We are used to handling confidential company data. We take data privacy extremely seriously. GetOurData was designed from the ground up with this in mind. We do not store your data anywhere but the destination database, which you control. All data pipeline operations are performed in-memory on secure AWS  infrastructure. Once your data is written to the destination database any fragments remaining in-memory is automatically purged. See our security page for more details.

Can you handle regulated healthcare and consumer financial data?

Currently no, though this is on our roadmap. We do not store your data at rest. All work in process data packets are purged from our system once we have successfully written data to your destination database. Snowflake is able to support regulated data use cases if you select their more advanced (and more expensive!) compliance oriented database solutions. See our security page and the Snowflake website for more details.

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You can also check out our help center or click on the "Help & Feedback" button to live chat a real human!

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